Environmental and Social Capacity Building for ESAP Implementation for Municipal Infrastructure Projects in Central Asia
Period: December 2019 – ongoing
Location: Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic
Client: EBRD
Description: All infrastructure projects financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) undergo environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) as part of the overall project appraisal, and most of Infrastructure projects have a comprehensive corrective Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) prepared and included as part of the legal documentation. Majority of significant environmental and social impacts occur during the construction and operation stages. The lack of awareness and understanding of international requirements among clients and contractors, lack of practical experience in delivery of projects in line with EBRD Environmental and Social Policy requirements can result in improper implementation of ESAP requirements and therefore in increased impacts on environment, communities and workers and as well as raise the potential for complaints which could pose additional reputational risks to the Bank.
The latter has initiated an assignment to enhance the capacities of its Central Asian clients for municipal Infrastructure projects in meeting the requirements of the EBRD performance requirements and in particular to manage contractual obligations and oversee execution of ESAPs, associated management and monitoring plans for both construction and operation stages. The Consortium represented by Ecoline International Ltd. and ATMS Solutions Ltd. has been selected for the implementation of this assignment.
“Uzbekistan: Energy Efficiency Water Supply – Feasibility Study” Project
Period: November 2019 – ongoing
Location: Uzbekistan
Client: EBRD
Description: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) has received a request to finance modernization of around 240 pumping stations used for Irrigation Water Conveyance (“IWC”) across the country and ancillary IWC infrastructure in Uzbekistan. EBRD has selected CECT Consulting (the “Consultant”) to assess the water resource management in Uzbekistan and to determine a priority investment program. In parallel, the Consultant has engaged Ecoline International Ltd. and ATMS Solutions Ltd. to conduct Environmental and Social Audit and Assessment and to evaluate the impacts and benefits of priority investment program, including assessing its environmental and social feasibility and sustainability. The assignment’s specific tasks include gender study and inclusion assessment as well as resilience to climate change component.
“Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Preparatory Survey for Yeghvard Irrigation Improvement Project in Armenia”
Period: July 2015 – October 2016
Location: Armenia
Client: JICA
Description: Yeghvard irrigation improvement project was planned during 1970s in order to improve the irrigation capacities in Kotayk, Aragatsotn and Armavir regions. In 1980s, the construction of the reservoir with a scale of 228 mln.m3 was started, however, due to the financial issues was suspended. In 1990s, the Yeghvard irrigation improvement project was re-examined and the proposed scale of planned reservoir was reviewed and reduced to 90 mln.m3. In 2012, the Government of Armenia requested the loan aid for the Project from the Government of Japan and in 2014 the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) initiated a study within the Yeghvard Irrigation Improvement Project. ATMS Solutions Ltd. was selected as a consultant responsible for environmental and social studies and elaboration of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report in accordance with the World Bank policies and national environmental legislation.