Environmental and Social Consultancy

Improving the environmental performance of our Clients is a challenge we take very seriously. We have joined together highly experienced environmental and social experts and technical consultants to provide our Clients with comprehensive and valuable solutions to the environmental challenges they face.

Our environmental and social services include:

  • Environmental and social impact assessments and due diligences (including health and safety issues),
  • Environmental and social management, monitoring and action plans,
  • Social and socio-economic assessments,
  • Involuntary resettlement and Livelihood restoration plans,
  • Public consultations and Stakeholder engagement plans,
  • Contractor’s environmental management plans and Site-specific environmental managements plans (for construction camps, dumping areas, hazardous wastes, materials storage and handling sites, etc.),
  • Air pollution, water and soil contamination, noise and vibration level monitoring plans,
  • Outsourcing of Clients’ environmental activities and responsibilities.