Transport and Roads

Armenia: Yerevan Bus Project – Environmental and Social Due Diligence

Period: May 2020 – ongoing
Location: Armenia
Client: EBRD
Description: Yerevan municipality has requested a sovereign loan of up to EUR 25 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development  to purchase 100 CNG low-floor buses. ATMS Solutions Ltd. has been invited to conduct the environmental and social assessment (“E&S”) of the Project and due diligence of bus operator (“Yerevan Bus” Company) existing operations and facilities. The E&S assessment of new and operated depots construction / upgrade concepts as well as GET and Gender and Inclusion Impact assessments were also envisioned by the Contract provisions.

Belarus: Regional Bridges and M3 Road Rehabilitation Project – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for M3 Road (Tranche II)

Period: April 2020 – ongoing
Location: Belarus
Client: EBRD
Description: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is providing finance to the Republic of Belarus for the reconstruction and modernization of a road section of M3 Minsk – Pleschenitsi. As this Project involves the reconstruction and widening of the existing road for more than 10 km of the road section, the EBRD has assigned it as Category A and requires comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). EBRD has engaged ATMS Solutions Ltd. to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Project and the Client’s (Minskavtodor-Center) existing operations and facilities.

Reconstruction/Rehabilitation of the Existing M6 Vanadzor-Alaverdi-Georgian Border Interstate Road (Lot 3: Section km 62+300 – km 90+191)

Period: June 2018 – ongoing
Location: Armenia
Client: SUARDI S.p.A.
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. has been invited by SUARDI S.p.A. (Italy) to act as an environmental consultant during the road reconstruction/rehabilitation activities in order to address the actions envisioned by the Project environmental and social management plan, including development and implementation of Contractor environmental management plan and Site-specific environmental monitoring plans for construction, dumping and disposal sites, Dust, noise and vibration measurement and monitoring plan, Tree management plan, Health and safety plan, etc.