
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Gap Analysis & Disclosure Package: Category A Project Water Reservoirs Project – Armenia

Location: Armenia

Period: November 2021 – ongoing

Sector: Waste and Water

Funding source: EBRD

Client: Water Commitee

Description: The Government of the Republic of Armenia plans to construct a total of 17 reservoirs within the EU support initiative “Recovery, resilience and reform: post 2020 Eastern Partnership priorities’” to the Government of Armenia. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering providing a loan to the Government of Armenia, to be on-lent to Water Committee under the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure to finance the construction of six water reservoirs in different regions of Armenia.

As this Project involves the development of a greenfield facility, the EBRD has assigned it a Category A, which means that a comprehensive ESIA and review of associated documents must be carried out, followed by their public disclosure for a minimum period of 120 days.
ATMS Solutions LLC was selected as an Independent Consultant to carry out a gap analysis of the existing ESIA disclosure package against the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy and Performance Requirements.

Taraz Wastewater Treatment Plant Modernization – Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Audit and Assessment

Location: Kazakhstan

Period: May 2023 – ongoing

Sector: Waste and Water

Funding source: EBRD

Client: State Communal Enterprise “Zhambyl Su”

Description: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is preparing a project together with the Akimat of Zhambyl Region, the Akimat of the city of Taraz and the State Communal Enterprise “Zhambyl Su” to improve the wastewater treatment system in Taraz which has suffered from many years of under investment. The Akimat of Zhambyl Region approached the EBRD with the request to provide loan financing to “Zhambyl Su” under the sovereign guarantee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for construction of the wastewater treatment plant and modernisation of associated wastewater management infrastructure (Project).

The Project is categorized as “A” under the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy (ESP). Hence, the development of a Comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report and supportive documents in accordance with the EBRD’s ESP and its Performance Requirements were required.
The EBRD invited CECT Consulting (Slovenia) to elaborate a Feasibility Study for the Project, while the ESIA and related environmental and social studies were carried out by ATMS Solutions LLC.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for North-South Corridor (Sisian-Kajaran Section) Road Project, Armenia

Location: Armenia

Period: March 2021 – July 2024

Sector: Transport and Roads

Funding source: EBRD

Client: Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure

Description: Under the Armenian North-South Road Corridor on the extended core TEN-T network, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering providing finance to the Republic of Armenia to be co-financed by a sovereign loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and an investment grant from the EU Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP).

The Project Sisian-Kajaran road section is one of three sections of the former Tranche 4 of the North-South Road Corridor. The road section will directly connect Sisian and Kajaran in Syunik Region, Armenia’s southern region. The estimated project cost is ca. EUR 986 million (excluding VAT and supervision). The Project section is one of the most technically complex sections of the North-South Road Corridor due to the mountainous terrain and, as such, requires 27 bridges and 9 tunnels (including the Bargushat tunnel of 8.6 km) to comply with the speed and gradient criteria of the defined road category.
The EBRD has categorised the Project as “A” in line with its Environmental and Social Policy as the Project is a greenfield road, over 10 km long, that may cause significant environmental and/or social impacts. A consortium of environmental and social consultancies made of Ecoline International Ltd. (Bulgaria), SE Solutions Pty. (South Africa) and ATMS Solutions LLC (Armenia) has been appointed to conduct the ESIA of the Project.

Kazakhstan – Shymkent Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Extension Project – Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Audit and Assessment

Location: Kazakhstan

Period: August 2022 – January 2023

Sector: Waste and Water

Funding source: EBRD

Client: Vodnye Resursy-Marketing LLP

Description: The private company “Vodnye Resursy-Marketing” (VRM) LLP is the sole provider of water supply and wastewater treatment services to Shymkent city and adjacent rural areas. In recent years, the VRM has heavily invested in its drinking water and wastewater infrastructure reconstructing, modernizing, securing and extending drinking water and wastewater services to its customers, which benefit the natural environment. It currently operates a modern wastewater treatment plant, including sludge utilization serving a catchment of around 1 mln. population equivalent treating on average 150000 m3/day. It now wishes to extend the wastewater treatment plant by an additional 50000 m3/day to serve currently under-served and unserved communities.
The VRM supported by the State approached the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with a request to part-finance this priority investment. The EBRD has commissioned CECT Consulting (Slovenia) to elaborate a Feasibility Study for the Project and to determine a Priority Investment Program (PIP). In parallel, CECT Consulting consortium partner – ATMS Solutions LLC has undertaken environmental and social audit and assessment of the project.

Environmental legal compliance audit of “ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade” CJSC activities

Location: Armenia

Period: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022

Sector: Energy

Funding source: ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade

Client: ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade
Description: Document review and assessment of compliance of CGHC environmental and social management system, policy and procedures with the requirements of national legislation, applied international treaties, provisions of international regulations and guidelines of International Financing Institutions.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the desing document for Dalan Technopark Multifunctional Business Center in Yerevan, Armenia

Location: Armenia

Period: July 2022 – November 2022

Sector: Energy

Funding source: QProject

Client: QProject
Description: Development of the EIA report for the design document for Dalan Technopark Multifunctional Business Center in Yerevan and technical support during the State expert examination process.

Review and revision of Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) for Ameriabank

Location: Armenia

Period: July 2021 – July 2022

Sector: Environmental and Social Governance

Funding source: Ameriabank

Client: Ameriabank

Description: Environmental and social risk review, ESMS Gap analysis and review reporting, FC Performance Standard Training (English and Armenian) preparation and delivery, ESMS implementation and support, assessment of ESMS implementation and capacity.

Support Ardshinbank – Armenia to enhance its Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS)

Location: Armenia

Period: November 2021 – July 2024

Sector: Environmental and Social Governance

Funding source: Global Climate Partnership Fund

Client: Ardshinbank
Description: – The following consultancy services were provided: i) Review of the Bank’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) and current practice, ii) Develop guidance materials and monitoring tools to ensure strong and consistent application of the ESMS, iii) Develop and provide training workshop and support in applying the ESMS, including pilot and monitoring projects as case studies for training purposes.

Environmental, Social and Health Management Plan for «Sopot» Solar Power Plant

Location: Armenia

Period: February 2022 – May 2022

Sector: Energy

Funding source: KfW/ LiMar Green LLC

Client: LiMar Green LLC
Description: An Environmental, Social and Health Management Plan (ESHMP) was elaborated by ATMS Solutions LLC for the «Sopot» solar power plant, located in Nerqin Bezmaberd, Aragatsotn region.

Environmental, Social and Health Management Plan for «Vayots Arev – 1» Solar Power Plant

Location: Armenia

Period: November 2021 – April 2021

Sector: Energy

Funding source: KfW/Clean Energy LLC

Client: Clean Energy LLC
Description: An Environmental, Social and Health Management Plan (ESHMP) was elaborated by ATMS Solutions LLC for the 5.0 MW «Vayots Arev – 1» solar power plant, located in the southeast of Armenia, in Vayots Dzor region, within the administrative boundaries of Zedea rural settlement.

Consultancy services in the field of Occupational Health and Safety for National Instruments office in Armenia

Location: Armenia

Period: May 2024 – August 2024

Sector: IT and Communication

Funding source: “JetBrains” LLC

Client: “JetBrains” LLC
Description: Assessment of working environment and at workplaces, including instrumental measurements of noise, vibration, lighting and microclimate at company’s premises.

Hygienic classification and assessment of workplaces by the harmful and dangerous factors of working environment and severity and Intensity of working process

Period: November 2022 – September 2024

Sector: Food and Beverage

Funding source: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia

Client: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia
Description: The services provided to the company included identification and instrumental measurements of harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment in workplaces, assessment of workplaces according to the severity and intensity of working process, drafting of the workplace assessment protocols and recommendations aimed at improvement of working conditions at workplaces.

Consultancy services in the field of Occupational Health and Safety for National Instruments office in Armenia

Location: Armenia

Period: May 2022 – December 2022

Sector: IT and Communication

Funding source: National Instruments

Client: “National Instruments AM” LLC
Description: The services provided to the company included assessment of working environment and conditions at workplaces, including instrumental measurements of noise, vibration, lighting, microclimate and electromagnetic radiation, provision of OHS training and practical drills and OHS and fire safety audits.

Environmental Impact Assessment for the project “Partial rehabilitation of Dashtadem Castle, establishment of a museum and improvement of the surrounding area”

Location: Armenia

Period: January 2023 – July 2023

Sector: Tourizm and Recreation

Funding source: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The Republic of Armenia received funding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) for the implementation of the Local Economy and Infrastructure Development Program. The goal of the project is to develop the infrastructure, services and institutional capacity of the tourism sector and increase the income from the tourism sector in the local economy.

Description: One of the components of the program is partial rehabilitation of Dashtadem Castle, including the establishment of a museum and the improvement of the surrounding area, support to the increase in the level of maintenance of the Castle (rehabilitation of damaged sections of the castle, citadel, the first and second walls surrounding the citadel and other structures, fortification, external organization of lighting) and the creation of a well-developed public infrastructure.
ATMS Solutions LLC was invited to carry out the environmental impact assessment of Dashtadem Castle partial rehabilitation project.

Environmental Impact Assessment for the project “Construction of a diesel car assembly station, new warehouse for explosives, anti-accident and service basins for dukers 1, 2 and 4”

Location: Armenia

Period: January 2021 – May 2023

Sector: Mining and Metallurgy

Funding source: “Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine” CJSC

Description: Within the framework of its sustainable development policy, “Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine” (ZCMC) CJSC intended to continuously improve the environmental, social and safety components of the production activities. For this purpose, the Combine has initiated a number of programs and projects, including: (i) Construction of a diesel car assembly station; (ii) Construction of new warehouse for explosives; and (iii) Construction of anti-accident and service basins for dukers 1, 2 and 4″.

The environmental impact assessment of the noted projects were implemented by ATMS Solutions LLC.

Environmental Impact Assessment for the project “Industrial waste storage and disposal areas”

Location: Armenia

Period: January 2021 – May 2023

Sector: Mining and Metallurgy

Funding source: “Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine” CJSC

Description: Within the framework of its sustainable development policy, “Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine” (ZCMC) CJSC intended to continuously improve the environmental, social and safety components of the production activities. For this purpose, the Combine has initiated a number of programs and projects, including: (i) Construction of a diesel car assembly station; (ii) Construction of new warehouse for explosives; and (iii) Construction of anti-accident and service basins for dukers 1, 2 and 4″.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Category A Projects – Kyzalorda Bypass, Kyzylorda-Zhezkazgan Road Project, Kazakhstan

Period: April 2020 – January 2022
Sector: Transport and Roads
Funding source: EBRD
Description: The Government of Kazakhstan approached the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development requesting a sovereign guaranteed loan to finance the urgent reconstruction of the 220 km section of Kyzylorda-Zhezkazgan road and construction of the 15 km Kyzylorda bypass (4 lanes), which was a greenfield Project having significant adverse environmental and  social impacts and ranked as “A” category project as per the Bank’s 2019 Environmental and Social Policy. ATMS Solutions Ltd. was invited as a consultant (the “Consultant”) to carry out the ESIA of the 14.6 km Kyzylorda Bypass Construction Project.

Armenia: Yerevan Bus Project – Environmental and Social Due Diligence

Location: Armenia
Period: May 2020 – May 2021
Sector: Transport and Roads
Funding source: EBRD
Description: Yerevan municipality has requested a sovereign loan of up to EUR 25 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to purchase 100 CNG low-floor buses. ATMS Solutions Ltd. has been invited to conduct the environmental and social assessment (“E&S”) of the Project and due diligence of bus operator (“Yerevan Bus” Company) existing operations and facilities. The E&S assessment of new and operated depots construction / upgrade concepts as well as GET and Gender and Inclusion Impact assessments were also envisioned by the Contract provisions.

Regional Bridges and M3 Road Rehabilitation Project – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for M3 Road (Tranche II)

Location: Belarus
Period: April 2020 – May 2022
Sector: Transport and Roads
Funding source: EBRD
Description: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is providing finance to the Republic of Belarus for the reconstruction and modernization of a road section of M3 Minsk – Pleschenitsi. As this Project involves the reconstruction and widening of the existing road for more than 10 km of the road section, the EBRD has assigned it as Category A and requires comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). EBRD has engaged ATMS Solutions Ltd. to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Project and the Client’s (Minskavtodor-Center) existing operations and facilities.

“Environmental and Social Capacity Building for ESAP Implementation for Municipal Infrastructure Projects in Central Asia” Project

Location: Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic
Period: December 2019 – December 2022
Sector: Waste and Water
Funding source: EBRD
Description: All infrastructure projects financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) undergo environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) as part of the overall project appraisal, and most of Infrastructure projects have a comprehensive corrective Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) prepared and included as part of the legal documentation. Majority of significant environmental and social impacts occur during the construction and operation stages. The lack of awareness and understanding of international requirements among clients and contractors, lack of practical experience in delivery of projects in line with EBRD Environmental and Social Policy requirements can result in improper implementation of ESAP requirements and therefore in increased impacts on environment, communities and workers and as well as raise the potential for complaints which could pose additional reputational risks to the Bank.
The latter has initiated an assignment to enhance the capacities of its Central Asian clients for municipal Infrastructure projects in meeting the requirements of the EBRD performance requirements and in particular to manage contractual obligations and oversee execution of ESAPs, associated management and monitoring plans for both construction and operation stages. The Consortium represented by Ecoline International Ltd. and ATMS Solutions Ltd. has been selected for the implementation of this assignment.

“Uzbekistan: Energy Efficiency Water Supply – Feasibility Study” Project

Location: Uzbekistan
Period: November 2019 – December 2021
Sector: Water
Funding source: EBRD
Description: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) has received a request to finance modernization of around 240 pumping stations used for Irrigation Water Conveyance (“IWC”) across the country and ancillary IWC infrastructure in Uzbekistan. EBRD has selected CECT Consulting (the “Consultant”) to assess the water resource management in Uzbekistan and to determine a priority investment program. In parallel, the Consultant has engaged Ecoline International Ltd. and ATMS Solutions Ltd. to conduct Environmental and Social Audit and Assessment and to evaluate the impacts and benefits of priority investment program, including assessing its environmental and social feasibility and sustainability. The assignment’s specific tasks include gender study and inclusion assessment as well as resilience to climate change component.

“Central Asia: Environmental and Social Due Diligence Assessment for Small Business Initiative projects DFF-Sahabatly, Turkmenistan” Project

Location: Turkmenistan, Ashkhabat
Period: July 2019 – October 2019
Sector: Food and beverage
Funding source: EBRD
Description: Economic Society “Sahabatly” (the “Company”), one of the leading private producers of dairy products and crops in Turkmenistan, has applied to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) to finance the purchase of new modern, energy efficient milk processing equipment for dairy production and agricultural machinery. Ecoline International Ltd. and its partner ATMS Solutions Ltd. were conducted the environmental and social assessment of the Project and due diligence of Company’s existing operations.

“Environmental and Social Assessment. Almaty Region Gasification, Kazakhstan” Project

Location: Kazakhstan
Period: March 2019 – July 2019
Sector: Energy
Funding source: EBRD
Description: APL Construction LLP (“Company”), a private natural gas distribution company based in Kazakhstan, was applied to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the loan to expand the pipeline network into the towns and villages and enhance the consumers’ access to the gas supply network. The Project is categorised “B” in accordance with the EBRD environmental and social policy that requires Environmental and Social Assessment of both the Project and the company’s existing operations.

“Uzbekistan: Horezm and Karakalpakstan Solid Waste Project Environmental and Social Scoping” Project

Location: Uzbekistan, Horezm region and Republic of Karakalpakstan
Period: February 2019 – May 2019
Sector: Waste
Funding source: EBRD
Description: The environmental and scoping study of Horezm and Karakalpakstan Solid Waste Project was conducted to gain a better understanding of the environmental and social (E&S) issues associated with the project’s components and therefore to decide on the most appropriate categorization and the E&S due diligence that would be required for the Project.

Reconstruction/Rehabilitation of the Existing M6 Vanadzor-Alaverdi-Georgian Border Interstate Road (Lot 3: Section km 62+300 – km 90+191)

Location: Armenia
Period: June 2018 – ongoing
Sector: Transport and Roads
Funding source: ADB/ EIB
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. has been invited by SUARDI S.p.A. to act as an environmental consultant during the road reconstruction/rehabilitation activities in order to address the actions envisioned by the Project environmental and social management plan, including development and implementation of Contractor environmental management plan and Site-specific environmental monitoring plans for construction, dumping and disposal sites, Dust, noise and vibration measurement and monitoring plan, Tree management plan, Health and safety plan, etc.

Environmental and Hydrometeorological Еngineering Studies for the Project “Construction of 110kV and 220kV Open Distribution Substations of Armenian Nuclear Power Plant”

Location: Armenia
Period: April 2018 – July 2019
Sector: Energy
Funding source: Kaskad-Energosetj
Description: Within the scope of the project, the following surveys and studies were carried out by ATMS Solutions Ltd.: (i) complex lined-route engineering and environmental investigation of the project area and vicinities, (ii) geo-ecological and hydrological survey, (iii) biodiversity survey, (iv) soil and water quality investigation, (v) study of radiological situation, (vi) air quality, noise and vibration measurements and monitoring, (vii) study of climatic and meteorological conditions, (viii) flood risk assessment, etc.


Development and Implementation of Occupation Health and Safety Management System in “Saranist” LLC Glass Manufacturing Factory in accordance with ISO 45001 standard requirements

Location: Armenia
Period: April 2018 – April 2019
Sector: Processing Industry
Funding source: EBRD and “Saranist” LLC co-financing
Description: “Saranist” LLC (“Company”) needed consultancy support in order to elaborate and implement the occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures to satisfy the requirements of ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001) standard. The implementation of OHS procedures will help the Company to improve the effectiveness of its occupational health and safety management system and to fulfil the requirements of European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) load agreement. ATMS Solutions Ltd. was invited by EBRD to provide consultancy services to the Company aimed at development and implementation of key elements of ISO 45001 standard.

Environmental Impact Assessment for UNDP/GEF supported Project “Removal of POPs Pesticides and Recovery of Associated Contaminated Soil along with Site Cleanup, Stabilization, Containment, and Monitoring applied to the Nubarashen Burial Site”

Location: Armenia
Period: October 2017 – December 2018
Sector: Waste
Funding source: UNDP
Description: In 2017, United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) announced a tender for the provision of key technical, operational planning and environmental management solutions required to undertake the cleanup and restoration of Nubarashen burial site from waste containing POPs/pesticides. The consortium of Czech companies Deconta/Geotest won the tender and invited ATMS Solutions Ltd. as environmental contractor to develop ESIA report in compliance with the UNDP social and environmental standards and national environmental requirements.

Framework Document Environmental Impact Assessment for the KfW financed Project “Integrated Solid Waste Management System Vanadzor, Armenia”

Location: Armenia
Period: February 2017 – April 2019
Sector: Waste
Funding source: KfW
Description: ERM GmbH and its partner ATMS Solutions Ltd. were conducted Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) study of sites selected for the construction of sanitary landfills and transfer stations in Lori and Tavush regions in Armenia. The EIA report was discussed with the Project stakeholders and submitted to the Ministry of environment of the Republic of Armenia for expert examination.

Special assessment of working conditions at workplaces

Location: Armenia
Period: March 2019 – November 2020
Sector: Processing Industry
Funding source: RUSAL
Description: “Rusal Armenal” CJSC, the biggest aluminum foil producer in Caucasus region, invited ATMS Solutions Ltd. to conduct special assessment (attestation) of working conditions at 182 workplaces. The assignment included identification and monitoring of main physical and chemical factors of working environment, assessment of load and intensity of working processes, evaluation of injury risks and hazards at workplaces, determination of hazardous classes of working conditions, recommendations to improve the working conditions.

Design, Environmental Impact Assessment and Licensing of Waste Storage Areas in Spandaryan, Shamb and Tatev Hydropower Plants

Location: Armenia
Period: May 2018 – November 2019
Sector: Energy
Funding source: ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade
Description: In July 2015, ContourGlobal acquired the Vorotan Complex of Hydroelectric Power Stations – a complex of three hydroelectric power stations with an overall capacity of 404.2 MW and an average annual power generation of 1.15 billion kWh. In 2017, ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade (“CGHC”) decided to align its waste storage areas with the national requirements and best international practices. ATMS Solutions Ltd. was commissioned by CGHC to undertake: (i) elaboration of detailed design documents (DDD) for waste (used mercury lamps, lead batteries, oil, contaminated soil, metal scrap, etc.) storage areas, (ii) preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, (iii) technical support during the expert examination by the Ministry of Environment of Armenia, (iv) technical support during the licensing process.

Environmental Impact Assessment for the Project “Construction of disposal facility for Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) in Sisian community, Armenia”

Location: Armenia
Period: April 2018 – October 2019
Sector: Energy
Funding source: ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. was invited by the ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade (CGHC) and Sisian municipality to assess the environmental and social impacts associated with the construction and operation of facility that would be used for the ACM storage in line with the requirements of national legislation and best international practices. The EIA report passed State expert examination and got positive conclusion by the Ministry of Environment.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Project “Modernization of Meghri Border Crossing Point”

Location: Armenia
Period: November 2017 – November 2018
Sector: Urban Development
Funding source: UNDP
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. conducted Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) studies to evaluate the impacts that would occur with the modernization / expand of existing Border Crossing Point (BCP) in Meghri community near the border with Iran. The first ESIA report undertaken in line with the UNDP social and environmental standards and national environmental legislation was submitted to the UNDP. The second ESIA report accompanied by the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) was prepared in accordance with EBRD (the “Bank”) environmental and social policy and submitted to the Bank. Simultaneously, the ESIA report passed national expert examination by the Ministry of Environment of Armenia and got positive conclusion.

Risk Assessment at Workplaces of Spandaryan, Shamb and Tatev HPPs

Location: Armenia
Period: December 2016 – June 2017
Sector: Energy
Funding source: ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. was invited by ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade to perform assessment of working conditions at workplaces in Spandaryan, Shamb and Tatev hydropower plants. Within the scope of the assignment, the microclimate parameters, noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation levels as well as lighting values were measured, the load of working processes were assessed, the hazardous classes of working conditions were determined and recommendation to improve the working conditions at workplaces were proposed.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Project “Rehabilitation of Dvin Museum, the Historical Capital City of Armenia and Improving of Neighboring Areas”

Location: Armenia
Period: November 2016 – May 2017
Sector: Tourism and Protected Areas
Funding source: World Bank
Description: The Republic of Armenia has initiated the Local Economy and Infrastructure Development (LEID) Program, financed by the World Bank. The development objective of the Program is to improve infrastructure services and institutional capacity for increased tourism contribution to local economy in selected regions of Armenia. The 1st component of LEID Program includes several target areas, one of which is Rehabilitation of Dvin Museum, the Historical Capital City of Armenia and Improving of Neighboring Areas. The environmental and social impact assessment of this Project is performed by ATMS Solutions Ltd.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Project “Construction of Vista Point and Service Centre/Tourism Centre next to Khor Virap in the Territory of Old Artashat”

Location: Armenia
Period: November 2016 – May 2017
Sector: Tourism and Protected Areas
Funding source: World Bank
Description: The Republic of Armenia has initiated the Local Economy and Infrastructure Development (LEID) Program, financed by the World Bank. The development objective of the Program is to improve infrastructure services and institutional capacity for increased tourism contribution to local economy in selected regions of Armenia. The 1st component of LEID Program includes several target areas, one of which is Construction of Vista Point and Service Centre/Tourism Centre next to Khor Virap in the Territory of Old Artashat. The environmental and social impact assessment of this Project is performed by ATMS Solutions Ltd.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Project “Developing a touristic zone in the area next to the monument of Zorats Qarer (Stonehenge)”

Location: Armenia
Period: November 2016 – May 2017
Sector: Tourism and Protected Areas
Funding source: World Bank
Description: The Republic of Armenia has initiated the Local Economy and Infrastructure Development (LEID) Program, financed by the World Bank. The development objective of the Program is to improve infrastructure services and institutional capacity for increased tourism contribution to local economy in selected regions of Armenia. The 1st component of LEID Program includes several target areas, one of which is Developing a touristic zone in the area next to the monument of Zorats Qarer (Stonehenge). The environmental and social impact assessment of this Project is performed by ATMS Solutions Ltd.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Garbush Fish Production Facility Enlargement Project

Location: Armenia
Period: April 2016 – July 2017
Sector: Food and Beverage
Funding source: FREDA / IFAD
Description: “Garbush” LLC (“Company”), a fish producing company, has applied to the Fund for Rural Economic Development of Armenia (FREDA) for the financial support. The detailed study of the project shows that it is socially important and in general it meets the requirements of FREDA for quasi-equity financing exceptionally in case of availability of sufficient collateral. As a part of appraisal process an Environment and Social Impact Assessment study was required to evaluate the potential environmental and social impacts associated with the implementation of project components and their future operations. To conduct ESIA study of the project FREDA announced a tender and ATMS Solutions Ltd. was selected as a Consultant for the implementation of ESIA services.

“Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Nubarashen and Ajapnyak Landfills Remediation/Closure” within EIB financed Yerevan Solid Waste Management Project

Location: Armenia
Period: August 2015 – January 2017
Sector: Waste
Funding source: EIB
Description: Yerevan municipality has foreseen the need for new sanitary landfill to replace the existing one (Nubarashen landfill) that has been in operation since 1960. The new landfill should meet international standards and operate as a commercially sustainable unit with modern solid waste management system, covering the collection and disposal of municipal solid waste. The legal agreements were signed on 11.12.2015 in Yerevan by Armenia’s Minister of Finance, the Yerevan municipality and the EBRD. Simultaneously, European Investment Bank (EIB) has initiated the Yerevan Solid Waste assignment aimed at elaboration of detailed design and tender documents for the closure and remediation of the existing Nubarashen and Ajapnyak landfills. ATMS Solutions Ltd. has conducted the ESIA studies for Nubarashen and Ajapnyak Landfills Remediation/Closure components.

“Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Preparatory Survey for Yeghvard Irrigation Improvement Project in Armenia”

Location: Armenia
Period: July 2015 – October 2016
Sector: Water
Funding source: JICA
Description: Yeghvard irrigation improvement project was planned during 1970s in order to improve the irrigation capacities in Kotayk, Aragatsotn and Armavir regions. In 1980s, the construction of the reservoir with a scale of 228 mln.m3 was started, however, due to the financial issues was suspended. In 1990s, the Yeghvard irrigation improvement project was re-examined and the proposed scale of planned reservoir was reviewed and reduced to 90 mln.m3. In 2012, the Government of Armenia requested the loan aid for the Project from the Government of Japan and in 2014 the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) initiated a study within the Yeghvard Irrigation Improvement Project. ATMS Solutions Ltd. was selected as a consultant responsible for environmental and social studies and elaboration of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report in accordance with the World Bank policies and national environmental legislation.

Environmental Impact Assessment of the Project “Geghanush Tailings Management Facility (TMF) Stability Enhancement, including drainage system, surface water management system and buttress reinforcement”

Location: Armenia
Period: July 2014 – December 2016
Sector: Mining and Metallurgy
Funding source: DPMK
Description: The existing Geghanush TMF was developed during the early 1960s and operated between 1962 and 1983, when the Qajaran Tailings Facility at Artsvanik was commissioned. Started from 2014 the Geghanush TMF was being operated by Dundee Precious Metals Kapan (DPMK). As a result, it was decided to initiate Project on enhancing of the overall static stability of TMF, including drainage system, surface water management system and buttress reinforcement components to further reduce risk of failure and in particular to withstand the effects of a large seismic event. ATMS Solutions Ltd. was selected as a consultant to elaborate environmental impact assessment of the Project.

Sanitary Hygienic Assessment of Working Conditions at Workplaces

Location: Armenia
Period: September 2014 – December 2014
Sector: Food and Beverage
Funding source: Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia
Description: We were commissioned by the Coca Cola Factory in Yerevan to conduct sanitary hygienic assessment of working conditions at manufacturing workplaces. The assignment among others included instrumental measurements and evaluation of physical and chemical factors of working environment, assessment of load and intensity of working processes, determination of hazardous classes of working conditions, etc.

Environmental Impact assessment for Yerevan-1 hydropower plant reconstruction project, including reservoir dredging program

Location: Armenia
Period: August 2013 – October 2013
Sector: Energy
Description: Within the framework of the Sevan-Hrazdan HPP cascade rehabilitation project the reconstruction of Yerevan 1 hydropower plant, including reconstruction of the weir, replacement of turbines and dredging of the reservoir was done. To fulfill the policy expectations of IEC stakeholders as well as the requirements of EBRD and ADB, ATMS Solutions Ltd. was assigned by IEC to prepare necessary studies and compile supplementary information in a wider scoped Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.

Consultancy Services on Implementation of Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) of Sevan-Hrazdan Hydropower Plants Cascade Reconstruction Project

Location: Armenia
Period: April 2013 – July 2014
Sector: Energy
Funding source: IEC
Description: The Sevan-Hrazdan HPP cascade, comprising of seven hydropower plants of 565 MW total nominal capacities is a key part of the Armenian electricity system and urgently needs substantial rehabilitation to ensure safe and stable operation and restore output capacity. The Cascade is owned and operated by the International Energy Corporation (IEC). The IEC and its major shareholder RusHydro JSC intend to invest in rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure. Additionally company applied for the loan to EBRD and ADB. As a part of the loan provision an ESIA of the Project was conducted and appropriate report together with ESAP were submitted to IEC. ATMS Solutions Ltd. was assigned by IEC to assist them in implementation of ESAP of the Project.

“Feasibility study for Integrated Solid Waste Management System Vanadzor, Armenia” Project

Location: Armenia
Period: June 2012 – November 2015
Sector: Waste
Funding source: KfW
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. was engaged in “Feasibility study for Integrated Solid Waste Management System Vanadzor, Armenia” project as a Consortium partner. The objective of Feasibility study is to develop an integrated solid waste management concept considering the full range of municipal waste streams to be managed by Vanadzor city and its surrounding municipalities/villages. Available waste management practices shall be presented to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and city of Vanadzor as a menu of options from which the preferred option will be selected.

Environmental audits of “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC’s facilities within EBRD loan agreement

Location: Armenia
Period: September 2010 – June 2014
Sector: Energy
Funding source: ENA
Description: The Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA) has received a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) with the purpose of partial financing of the implementation of reconstruction and rehabilitation project for the distribution network in Armenia. One of the preconditions for the provision of the loan set by EBRD is implementation of the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP). ATMS Solutions Ltd. was hired by ENA to conduct audit of its facilities and assess the implementation status of ESAP in accordance with the monitoring requirements.

“Armenia: Akvatekh Environmental Due Diligence” Project

Location: Armenia
Period: July 2010 – October 2010
Sector: Food and beverage
Funding source: EBRD
Description: “Akvatekhavtomatika” Close Joint Stock Company (“Company”), Armenia’s largest fish producer, has applied to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) for a loan to acquire and install efficiency-increasing fish-breeding equipment and infrastructure improvement, etc. As part of appraisal process an integrated audit was required to determine the extent of Company’s environmental, social, hygiene and food safety risks and liabilities and ATMS Solutions Ltd. was selected as the Consultant to undertake Environmental due diligence.

World Bank supported Project “Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for National Broadband Backbone and Government Network”

Location: Armenia
Period: June 2010 – August 2010
Sector: IT and Telecommunications
Funding source: World Bank / NCFA
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. was assigned by National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia (“NCFA”) for implementation of environmental and social assessment of the telecommunications sector in Armenia, which would serve as a general guide for the design and execution of the infrastructure development projects, in particular those to be financed with the World Bank’s support. The assignment was carried out within sub-component “Nationwide Broadband Backbone and Government Network” of Technology Competitiveness Enhancement Project.

Environmental Audit for the Noubarashen Landfill Extension Project

Location: Armenia
Period: November 2009 – April 2010
Sector: Waste
Funding source: UNDP / World Bank
Description: To reform the currently inefficiently functioning solid waste management system in Yerevan city, the Government of the Republic of Armenia requested the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) grant, which administered by World Bank, to support the feasibility study on solid waste management system for the city of Yerevan through private sector participation. As part of the preparatory work for the Noubarashen landfill Design-Finance-Build-Operate transaction (DFBO), an environmental and social impact assessment for the Noubarashen landfill, including planned landfill extension areas has been carried out by ATMS Solutions Ltd.