ESIA public consultations for the Sisian-Kajaran (North-South corridor) road project

The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report and supportive documents of the Sisian-Kajaran (North-South corridor) road project were disclosed on 21.07.2023 by the “Road Department” foundation, which require public consultations with the Project stakeholders. Within the 120 days ESIA disclosure period it is planned to conduct the following public consultations with the Project stakeholders: […]
ATMS Solutions Ltd. became a member of the Avetta

Being an Avetta Consortium member significates that we are part of a global effort to advance company and worker safety, sustainability and operational excellence.
We are celebrating 16th anniversary

We continue to support our clients in enhancing their environmental, social, health and safety as well as energy efficiency performances
Public discussion on Dashtadem castle rehabilitation project

On 30 November 2022, public discussion was held in Dashtadem settlement relating to the initial environmental impact assessment (scoping) of the “Partial rehabilitation of the Dashtadem castle, establishment of a museum and improvement of the area adjacent to the monument” project that is founded by International Bank of Reconstruction and Development through the Local Economy […]