
Environmental and Social Capacity Building for ESAP Implementation for Municipal Infrastructure Projects in Central Asia

Period: December 2019 – ongoing
Location: Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic
Client: EBRD
Description: All infrastructure projects financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) undergo environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) as part of the overall project appraisal, and most of Infrastructure projects have a comprehensive corrective Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) prepared and included as part of the legal documentation. Majority of significant environmental and social impacts occur during the construction and operation stages. The lack of awareness and understanding of international requirements among clients and contractors, lack of practical experience in delivery of projects in line with EBRD Environmental and Social Policy requirements can result in improper implementation of ESAP requirements and therefore in increased impacts on environment, communities and workers and as well as raise the potential for complaints which could pose additional reputational risks to the Bank.
The latter has initiated an assignment to enhance the capacities of its Central Asian clients for municipal Infrastructure projects in meeting the requirements of the EBRD performance requirements and in particular to manage contractual obligations and oversee execution of ESAPs, associated management and monitoring plans for both construction and operation stages. The Consortium represented by Ecoline International Ltd. and ATMS Solutions Ltd. has been selected for the implementation of this assignment.

“Uzbekistan: Horezm and Karakalpakstan Solid Waste Project Environmental and Social Scoping” Project

Period: February 2019 – May 2019
Location: Uzbekistan, Horezm region and Republic of Karakalpakstan
Client: EBRD
Description: The environmental and scoping study of Horezm and Karakalpakstan Solid Waste Project was conducted to gain a better understanding of the environmental and social (E&S) issues associated with the project’s components and therefore to decide on the most appropriate categorization and the E&S due diligence that would be required for the Project.

Environmental Impact Assessment for UNDP/GEF supported Project “Removal of POPs Pesticides and Recovery of Associated Contaminated Soil along with Site Cleanup, Stabilization, Containment, and Monitoring applied to the Nubarashen Burial Site”

Period: October 2017 – December 2018
Location: Armenia
Client: UNDP / Deconta/Geotest
Description: In 2017, United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) announced a tender for the provision of key technical, operational planning and environmental management solutions required to undertake the cleanup and restoration of Nubarashen burial site from waste containing POPs/pesticides. The consortium of Czech companies Deconta/Geotest won the tender and invited ATMS Solutions Ltd. as environmental contractor to develop ESIA report in compliance with the UNDP social and environmental standards and national environmental requirements.

Framework Document Environmental Impact Assessment for the KfW financed Project “Integrated Solid Waste Management System Vanadzor, Armenia”

Period: February 2017 – April 2019
Location: Armenia
Description: ERM GmbH and its partner ATMS Solutions Ltd. were conducted Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) study of sites selected for the construction of sanitary landfills and transfer stations in Lori and Tavush regions in Armenia. The EIA report was discussed with the Project stakeholders and submitted to the Ministry of environment of the Republic of Armenia for expert examination.

“Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Nubarashen and Ajapnyak Landfills Remediation/Closure” within EIB financed Yerevan Solid Waste Management Project

Period: August 2015 – January 2017
Location: Armenia
Description: Yerevan municipality has foreseen the need for new sanitary landfill to replace the existing one (Nubarashen landfill) that has been in operation since 1960. The new landfill should meet international standards and operate as a commercially sustainable unit with modern solid waste management system, covering the collection and disposal of municipal solid waste. The legal agreements were signed on 11.12.2015 in Yerevan by Armenia’s Minister of Finance, the Yerevan municipality and the EBRD. Simultaneously, European Investment Bank (EIB) has initiated the Yerevan Solid Waste assignment aimed at elaboration of detailed design and tender documents for the closure and remediation of the existing Nubarashen and Ajapnyak landfills. ATMS Solutions Ltd. has conducted the ESIA studies for Nubarashen and Ajapnyak Landfills Remediation/Closure components.

“Feasibility study for Integrated Solid Waste Management System Vanadzor, Armenia” Project

Period: June 2012 – November 2015
Location: Armenia
Client: KfW / Ministry of Territorial Administration
Description: ATMS Solutions Ltd. was engaged in “Feasibility study for Integrated Solid Waste Management System Vanadzor, Armenia” project as a Consortium partner. The objective of Feasibility study is to develop an integrated solid waste management concept considering the full range of municipal waste streams to be managed by Vanadzor city and its surrounding municipalities/villages. Available waste management practices shall be presented to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and city of Vanadzor as a menu of options from which the preferred option will be selected.

Environmental Audit for the Noubarashen Landfill Extension Project

Period: November 2009 – April 2010
Location: Armenia
Client: UNDP / World Bank
Description: To reform the currently inefficiently functioning solid waste management system in Yerevan city, the Government of the Republic of Armenia requested the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) grant, which administered by World Bank, to support the feasibility study on solid waste management system for the city of Yerevan through private sector participation. As part of the preparatory work for the Noubarashen landfill Design-Finance-Build-Operate transaction (DFBO), an environmental and social impact assessment for the Noubarashen landfill, including planned landfill extension areas has been carried out by ATMS Solutions Ltd.